Special Interest Group on digital approaches screening and brief intervention for alcohol and substance misuse

Chairs: Heleen Riper/Antoni Gual
Former Chair: Paul Wallace
Hon secretary: Hugo López-Pelayo
Twitter manager: Nikolaos Boumparis

Aim: On behalf of INEBRIA, to track progress on research and development in the field of digital approaches to screening and brief intervention for alcohol and drugs, and to review and address the methodological issues arising. 

Other members of the eINEBRIA SIG Working Group:

  • Anne H Berman
  • Matthijs Blankers
  • Leo Pas
  • Nicolas Barticevic
  • Michael Schaub
  • Zarnie Khadjesari

Joining the group: membership of the group is open on application to all members of INEBRIA (send an e-mail to inebria@gencat.cat or hlopez@clinic.cat)

Actions planned: 

On behalf of INEBRIA:

  • to hold meetings, workshops and symposia in appropriate contexts.
  • to produce presentations and papers on policy and practice in relation to the SIG topic.
  • to facilitate collaborative research and development as appropriate.

SIG concentrates on two key areas:

  • Sharing research data
  • Researcher exchanges

Progress (until April 2019):

  1. We held our inaugural meeting in Lausanne in September 2016, another meeting in New York 2017 and the last meeting in Santiago de Chile 2018.
  2. We have agreed terms of reference for the group
  3. We have established an eINEBRIA SIG working group
  4. We have collaborated with the AARON group on the production and testing of a template/tool to describe the characteristics of digital applications used in research studies to deliver screening and brief interventions for alcohol and other drugs (http://ehealthclassification.org/)
  5. We have supported the University of Maastricht in carrying out a survey of the INEBRIA membership on attitudes to and levels of engagement in digital applications to deliver screening and brief interventions for alcohol and other drugs
  6. We organized one of the pre-conference workshops in Santiago de Chile (2018) focused on digital brief interventions.
  7. We launch a twitter account to share papers, conference announcements and grant opportunities (@einebria)
  8. We update regularly INEBRIA website (inebria.net) with recent papers in the field of digital brief interventions.

Future activities and priorities:

  1. Pre-conference in the next INEBRIA meeting (Lubeck 2019)
  2. Research exchanges program
  3. Sharing data facilities

Notes of e-INEBRIA working group: