Health Organization Collaborative Project on Identification and Management of
Alcohol-related Problems
Primary Health Care: Phase IV
of Country-wide Strategies for Implementing Early Identification and Brief Alcohol Intervention in
Primary Health Care.
[Communications] [Strategic Alliance]
[Demonstration Project]
Marketing Strategy for Screening and Brief Intervention in Primary Health Care
Final Country Chapter, January 2006
Annex Final Country Chapter
Collaborative Centre:
Division of Psychology, Northumbria
University & Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle
upon Tyne
Chief Investigators:
Professor Nick Heather and Dr Eileen
Geographical Area in which Implementation Strategy will be
Starting Date:
Completion Date:
Expected 31/01/05
Project Strands and Milestones:
Strand 1 of the study has been completed.
A grant has been received to carry out a Demonstration
Project (Strand 2). This will take the form of a pilot implementation
of early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) in at least one
primary health care facilitiy in each of the five areas of the Health
Action Zone.
Strand 3 is planned to continue after the completion of
the Demonstration Project and will consist of an interative process aimed
at furthering the promotion of EIBI in primary health care in England,
taking advantage of the recently published Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy
for England.
Proposed Funding Sources:
The Alcohol Education and Research Council funded
Strand 1 and the Tyne and Wear Health Action Zone has funded Strand 2.
Further funding will be sought from various bodies during the course of
Strand 3.
Local Support:
A Local Steering Committee has been established.
The support of the Local Medical Committee
(General Practitioners) has been obtained, as has the support of the Head of
Primary Care Development for the Newcastle and North Tyneside Health
Authority (Dr. I an Spencer). Assistance has also been obtained from personnel with
relevant expertise in several departments of the University of Newcastle and the
University of Northumbria. Tyne and Wear is also a Health Action Zone and
support for the study has also been received from this source. Professor Christine
Godfrey and her colleagues from the Centre for Health Economics, University of
York will assist with the economic evaluation of the study.
Brief Intervention Package, including delivery systems:
Focus groups (FGs) have been conducted with primary health
care teams in the local area, including those who did not take part in
WHO Strand 3/Phase III and those with positive and negative attitudes
to EIBI. FGs were also conducted with patients. Groups have considered
possible improvements to the Drink-less Programme and ways in which identified
barriers to the routine and enduring implementation of the programme can
be overcome. A paper reporting the findings from FGs is currently under
editorial consideration and will be available on this web site as soon
as it has been published. A Delphi study of expert opinion on screening
and brief intervention in primary health care has also been conducted,
with the aim of achieving a concensus of opinion on how best to implement
screening and brief intervention for excessive drinkers in primary health
care in England. The findings of this study have been published in the
Journal of Substance Use and can be accessed below.
Nick Heather,
Emma Dallolio, Deborah Hutchings, Eileen Kaner & Martin White; "Implementing
routine screening and brief alcohol intervention in Primary Health Care:
A Delphi survey of expert opinion"; Journal of Substance Use, April
2004, 9(2):68-85.(format pdf)
Training of Primary
Health Care Staff:
Training issues were covered in the FGs and
Delphi study as described
Data Analysis:
FG data were analysed by systematic coding of emergent
themes into dominant categories plus content analysis (NUD*IST) and thematic
analysis using a grounded approach. An attempt at triangulation will be
made by feeding back themes and interpretations to participants, where
possible, to seek confirmation and/or clarification of the analysis. Methods
of analysis in the Delphi study are described in the published paper.
The Communications Strategy (CS) will be part of a multi-faceted
implementation programme involving primary health care professionals.
The CS will be evaluated by pre- and post-strategy measures of the extent
to which respondents understand and accept the concept of 'risky drinking'
and other related matters. If successful, the CS will be disseminated
in all parts of the country.
General Public:
A mass media campaign among the general public will be
postponed until later stages of the study when it may become clear what
resources are available for such a campaign
Health Professionals:
This will be the initial focus of the CS. It will be directed at (i)
developing messages that are most likely to have an impact on their intended
audience (medical practitioners, nurses, etc.); (ii) identifying the best means
of delivering these messages (word, graphics, audio, video or multimedia), and
(iii) the most appropriate communication vehicles (mail, telephone, TV, radio,
Internet, newspapers, billboards, posters in waiting rooms, etc.) for each of
the messages. The delivery of specific messages will be piloted and tested and
the results fed back into a co-ordinated strategy.
Other Stakeholders:
This will be carried out in conjunction with the CS for health professionals
and will include influential figures in the health services, social services,
local government authorities, volunteer groups and other organizations and
institutions with the power to affect the dissemination process.
Media Advocacy:
There has been a range of media advocacy, including a number of
local television and radio interviews, articles in Journals & local
newspapers and also the development of the Phase IV website.
Control of Communication Strategy:
A Communications Strategy working group was established
to advise on and oversee the CS. This group includes individuals with
relevant expertise from university departments and other sources. The
group has produced a Marketing Strategy for EIBI in England which was
published by the national NGO, Alcohol Concern and is available below.
Debora Hutchings, Paul Cassidy, Catherine
Lock, Ray Lowry, Mitchell Ness, Sue Reay & Nick Heather; "Marketing
Strategy for Screening and Brief Intervention in Primary Health Care"
Development of a Strategy for Implementing Screening and Brief Intervention
in Primary Health Care in England (Project funded by the Alcohol Education
& Research Council). (format pdf)
Lead Organization(s):
The Centre for Alcohol & Drug Studies
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Strategic Alliances:
The project has been endorsed by a number of
organisations and individual, for example;
- The Department of Health
- Alcohol Education & Research Council
- Alcohol Concern
- Health Development Agency
- The Royal College of General Practitioners
- The Royal College of Nurses Association
- Alcohol Counselling and Prevention Services
- Alcohol Problems Advisory Service
- Leeds Addiction Service
- Medical Council on Alcoholism
- National Association of Primary Care
- Nursing Council on Alcohol
- UK Alcohol Forum
The design and methods of the Demonstration Project are
available on request to Professor Nick Heather <>
At least one primary health care practice in each of the
5 areas of the Tyne & Wear Health Action Zone( Gateshead, Newcastle,
North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Sunderland)
Projected Start Date:
Projected Completion Date:
Design of Project:
Methods of screening and brief intervention will be piloted
in each general practice using the PDSA cycle (Plan/ Do/ Study/ Act) and
regular feedback in meeting with the investigators. In this way optimal
procedures for implementing early identification and brief interventions
will be arrived at.
Outcome measures:
Changes in amount and kind of EIBI activity
taken from practice records before and after the implementation period
Process Measures:
Qualitative data elicited from participating
health professionals. Economic Analysis: To be developed with the assistance
of Professor Christine Godfrey.
Economic Analysis:
To be developed with the assistance of
Professor Christine Godfrey.
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