World Health Organization Collaborative Project on Identification and Management of Alcohol-related Problemsin Primary Health Care: Phase IV
Development of Country-wide Strategies for Implementing Early Identification and Brief Alcohol Intervention in Primary Health Care.France [Customisation] [Communications] [Strategic Alliance] [Demonstration Project] Final Country Chapter, January 2006 Collaborative Centre: Paris. Centre Magellan, 10 rue de la Paix, F-92230 Gennevilliers Tel: + 33 1 41 21 05 63 Fax: + 33 1 47 94 84 39 Email: Chief Investigators: Dr Philippe Michaud (Email:, Pr Francois Paille (Nancy), Dr Elisabeth Kind (Paris), Dr Anne-Violaine Dewost (Paris), Dr Sabrina Levy (Paris) Mme Veronique Dorner (Paris) Geographical Area in which Implementation Strategy will be Applied: Île-de-France (Parisian administrative area: 10 million inhabitants) Starting Date: 16/03/99 Completion Date: End 2005 Project Strands and Milestones: 1999:
Proposed funding Sources:
Local Support:
Support at national level:
CUSTOMIZING MATERIALS AND SERVICES Focus groups with GPs, receptionists (in Public Health Centres with a primary care section), patients, occupational doctors and nurses on the following themes:
Structured questionnaires (postal study, enhanced by telephone., or face-to-face)
Early Identification (Screening): French (validated) translation of AUDIT questionnaire and AUDIT questions inside a wider health questionnaire. Pre-screening will be discussed (antecedents of accidents, shorter questionnaire, list of opportunities for proposing screening....) Brief Intervention Package: The Drink-less programme will be adapted by the focus groups. Mail and/or group training plus phone will be used for dissemination, after adaptation by the focus groups. Brief Intervention process: Two (or three) interventions in the course of medical interviews Training of Primary Health Care Staff: Basis and continuing training are both necessary. The training of public primary health care centre receptionists will be integrated into public staff continuing education (delivered by a state agency). The contents of the training will be discussed, after customisation, between the medical associations and the Steering Group, with possible relations with other themes (e.g. tobacco, or preventive action against withdrawal syndrome for physically dependent patients) and with other institutions (e.g. medical schools). It must be kept in mind that the programme should be finally integrated into initial medical training. Data Analysis: The baseline data will be of three different sorts:
This information could be gathered and analysed by the ORS, with the help of Social Security Bureau of Statistics. A pool among a sample of adults living in the areas could be necessary. For the Demonstration project, the economic analysis is of prominent importance, and will be held by or with the social security and a public health school (Ecole nationale de santé publique and/or école de santé publique de la faculté de médecine). The other outcome data will be analysed like the baseline data. REFRAMING UNDERSTANDING OF ALCOHOL ISSUES General Public:
Health Professionals:
Other Stakeholders:
Media Advocacy and control of Communications Strategy: Close contact with the press, the radio and the TV will be one of the constant preoccupation of the Steering Group ESTABLISHING LEAD ORGANIZATION(S) AND BUILDING STRATEGIC ALLIANCES Lead Organisation(s): If possible: Groupement francilien d'acoologie. If not, Délégation régionale de l'Assocation nationale de prévention de l'acoolisme (DRPA) Fédération française de l'alcoologie ambulatoire & Société Française de médecine générale (SFMG) Building Strategic Alliances: The Steering Group is one of the main ways of building alliances. It has been composed to give a wide representation of GPs, but there is also key -persons to install and maintain the project under a positive atmosphere: 'representatives' of the Ministry of Health, regional health authorities. Many contacts must be continued. the difficulty will be to get funds for co-operation, with maybe a necessity to shift aspects of the programme to allow an effective collaboration (e.g. CFES, which has already developed its own instrument for intervention). The main allies could be:
Locations: Ville nouvelle d'Evry (département de l'Essonne, 50 000 inhabitants) Ville nouvelle de Saint-Quentin-en-Yveline (50 000 inhabitants) Agglomération d'Orly/Choisy-le-Roi (40 000 inhabitants) Projected Start date: September 2000 Projected Completion Date: December 2002 Design of Projects: a) Randomized control study with crossing-over: Use of AUDIT alone versus AUDIT included in a wider health questionnaire (AUDIT-HQ) in GP practices and in public PHC facilities. b) Community-based study, comparing two (or four) 'similar' communities where early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) is promoted either (i) with a (low) economic incentive, e.g. 10 FF (1.52 €) per filled AUDIT and 20 FF (3.04 €) per preformed brief intervention; or (ii) without any economic incentive. Outcome Measure: a) Number of patients filling AUDIT or AUDIT-HQ/Number of patients screened 'positive' (relevant for BI) and 'dependent' Pool in a sample of GPs and patients about acceptability (analogic scales and/or structured interviews) b) Number of patients screened/Number of patients screened 'positive' (relevant for BI) and 'dependent' Number of interventions preformed Process Measures: The process will be observed during the whole time of the study by a specialist of human and sciences (sociologist, ethnologist and anthropologist), and the description will be submitted regularly to the Steering Group. Economic Analysis: The Ecole nationale de santé publique and/or a Ph D student of the Ecole de santé Publique, faculté de médecine de nancy, will do the economic survey with an economist specialised in health issues. [Home Page] [Welcome] [Background] [Current Research] [Country Projects] [Contact Us] [Useful links] |