Health Organization Collaborative Project on
Identification and Management of
Primary Health Care: Phase IV
of Country-wide Strategies for Implementing
Early Identification and Brief Alcohol Intervention in
Health Care.
of Investigators, Geneva, Switzerland
May, 2002
to be held at Hotel Château de Coudrée, France)
Progress report,
May 2002
This progress report
is partly a description of what was planned or in it’s making at the Brussels
meeting. Things have changed since then, however, and the project has taken on a
new direction, which is described below.
In Spring 2000 we
decided upon a slightly revised implementation and research plan in the Danish
project. This was due mostly to the fact that we have strong evidence to believe
that the Danish GPs themselves will regard the routine screening for risky
drinking as inappropriate, and maybe even counterproductive.
This meant that
screening would not be promoted as a routine procedure. It should be presented
as an option, e.g. as screening-like
procedures in broad preventive consultations. Instead, diagnostic indications of
heavy, risky or harmful drinking would be highlighted, as would methods for
overcoming the patients’ denials of heavy drinking or alcohol problems,
methods for motivational interviewing, for counseling, for referrals to
specialist treatment etc.
Thus, the content of
our intervention, i.e. the knowledge and skills we wanted to implement in
general practice, was the identification, the counseling and treatment and the
proper referrals of patients with heavy drinking or problem drinking – in
short Alcohol Intervention (AI).
However, this slight
adjustment of the original content did not change the implementation and
research design very much.
and planning of the intervention
During May and June
2000 we ran 2 focus groups with a total of 15 GPs participating, each group
lasting for 2 hours.
The purpose of the
focus group was to get information on GPs’ preconceptions of alcohol problems
and prevention, their attitudes to and experiences with alcohol intervention, counseling, treatment etc. We also wanted to know what kind of barriers they
perceived in the patients to take part in counseling, referrals etc. And are
there any structural barriers that make an implementation of the EIBI
or AI a difficult business? Moreover, we wanted to find out what knowledge and
skills the GPs need to be able to deliver an optimal performance vis-à-vis
heavy drinkers and alcohol abusers. And how would they prefer to have CME-activities
The main findings
from the FGs were presented at the Brussels meeting. We concentrated on factors
that the GPs perceive as barriers to a smooth and efficient implementation of
prevention and handling of heavy and harmful drinking in general practice.
The implications for
our demonstration project were discussed n Brussels.
Because we have had
the feeling – and this was confirmed in our FGs – that the GPs are at unease
about the reactions of their patients if they bring up alcohol as an issue
during the consultation, we decided to investigate whether patients really
dislike their doctors asking about their drinking habits and other life style
First we tried to
construct a small questionnaire (22 questions) as the data collection
instrument. However, through two small pilot/validations we realised that this
method was not feasible. Instead, we set a focus group with 8 patients from a
general practice in Frederiksborg County addressing the same issues as the
intended questionnaire. From the focus group we got the impression that patients
do accept their GP to ask them questions about their alcohol consumption pattern
when the problem presented might
be alcohol-related. But screening-like procedures without relevance for the
problem/disease would not be popular.
in small-groups
In Denmark, there is
a network of small CME groups. The members of these groups themselves decide
which topics they want to deal with - and how they will do that. The number of
members is normally between 5 and 12. Some of the groups have a permanent
character, while others are ad hoc-based and devoted to a special problem, so
that when the problem or issue has been emptied, the group is dissolved.
In Frederiksborg
County, which is our local intervention area for the Alcohol Project, more than
90% of the GPs are members of one or more groups.
Participants in the
GP focus groups suggested that we used the small CME groups as arenas for
disseminating knowledge and know-how and develop or train skills in handling
risky drinking or alcohol abuse. This is one of the reasons that we prepared –
and offered – an educational package to the small CME groups.
Another reason is
that much implementation research within the medical field favours the use of
local groups. New knowledge and new skills can be discussed with colleagues in
the local medical culture, and this is important because a consensus here is
paramount for the uptake in daily routine practice. Innovations, clinical
guidelines etc. will get a more rapid footing in daily practice when the target
group gets a sense of ownership through discussing and accepting the innovation,
through translating or transposing a guideline to local needs and sentiments.
The educational
package consisted of two meetings, each lasting two hours, and it was offered to
the 21 small CME groups in Autumn 2001. The marketing of the CME-project was
done through an article in the local GP journal, through letters of invitation
to each of the small-groups, and indirectly through the medical audit
registration in November 2000.
The doctors were told
that participation would enhance their skills and competence in handling alcohol
issues and motivating patients etc. Participation was free, i.e. the GPs did not
have to draw resources from their CME account.
Before launching the
package in the first CME group we made an extension of the offer. Each of the
participating GPs could have a professional actor coming to the consultation
room simulating a patient with a problem or a disease that might be alcohol-related. The simulated patient in all cases had a
rather high alcohol consumption level (but this was not told to the GP unless
s/he asked – or asked in a patient-centered way that got the patient to drop
resistance and be sincere).
The simulated patient
made reservation for a consultation the same way ordinary patients do. When
coming to the consultation room the actor revealed that s/he was the actor. The
consultation lasted about 15 minutes (which is normal for a consultation) and it
was audio taped.
The tape was
transcribed and used for feedback to the GP and for teaching and training at the
second 2-hour meeting in the CME small-group.
Both sessions in the
group were focused on topics like:
when should alcohol
consumption be an issue?
the transtheoretical model
of change
the spirit of motivational
raising the issue of alcohol
avoiding resistance
other MI techniques
The first meeting was
focused on having GPs think about their practice and attitudes towards handling
risky drinkers and alcohol problems, and to realise what are their problems and
needs in relation to this category of patients and this task. Thus, the meeting
should function as an eye-opener (a starter that makes the GPs consider their
own practice regarding their handling of heavy drinkers) and help the
participants to define needs (knowledge, skills). Techniques of motivational
interviewing and health behaviour change counseling were shown and discussed.
During the second meeting the GPs’ experiences with the simulated
patient were discussed, and the transcriptions were used for this and for
teaching, as mentioned above. Other specific issues and needs raised during the
first meeting were also addressed.
However, in spite of
what we regarded as a “special offer” and in spite of our marketing
activities the participation rate has been rather low. We shall return to that
below under the heading Problems and
The year 2001 was
scheduled as our year of intervention where all CME groups were supposed to have
had the 2 x 2 hour sessions. During that year we would monitor the project
carefully, making it possible 1) to know how the implementation actually runs;
2) to allow for adjustments and removal of unforeseen barriers and problems; 3)
to know which parts of the intervention are the most appropriate and effective
We did not plan for a
full monitoring. Instead, we would be less ambitious and have a panel of GPs and
their partners (out-patient clinics, psychiatric wards etc.) whom we should
visit regularly and ask relatively systematic questions about problems
experienced, e.g. in asking patients about their alcohol consumption, in
breaking the denials of problem drinkers, in the cooperation with referral
institutions, about information and written materials needed.
After having
participated in the small-group based CME and having tried out and practiced the
new knowledge and methods in daily practice, the GPs might have questions and
problems they want to discuss with each other and with those responsible for the
intervention and the project. Therefore, we would try to set up meetings where
such matters would be discussed and the GPs could be advised. We expected to
have such meetings a couple of times during the year of intervention.
It was considered to
supply the other elements of the intervention with an Alcohol Project-related
homepage that is available only to the GPs in Frederiksborg County (this
restriction to GPs in this county is made to avoid contamination to the control
areas). The homepage is to bring new information of current interest and
relevance for the handling of heavy drinking and alcohol problems; it should
contain diagrams, forms, and other tools for downloading and use during
consultation; there should be a discussion database; and a FAQ-site could be
and Methods for the Evaluation
Of course, one wants
to know whether this approach of disseminating knowledge and know-how has any
impact on the performance of the target group, the GPs. Therefore, we had
planned an outcome evaluation and a process evaluation.
We would use a
quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-measurements, having the
Frederiksborg County as the intervention group, and 5 other counties being the
control group. In the intervention group all GPs were asked to fill in a medical
audit registration form for all their adult patient consultations during a
2-week period in November 2000; and this procedure should be repeated after the
intervention period (in the beginning of 2002). We expected that 50 of the 230
GPs in the county were willing to fill in the registration form twice. To have a
control group of the same size we approached 275 GPs selected randomly from 5
randomly selected counties. (The reason for not selecting only one county for
the control group was to avoid that the chosen county would turn out to be very
active in this particular field during the intervention year, thus diminishing
the ability to find a possible intervention effect).
The categories in the
medical audit registration form were built partly on the focus group
discussions, partly on the goals of the intervention itself (more activities of
identification, assessment, motivational interviewing, counseling, referrals
Thus, outcome is here
defined as the clinical performance of the GPs. Patient outcome measures such as
morbidity, mortality, DUI, arrests for drunkenness, referrals to specialist
treatment etc. were not considered appropriate because of small numbers as well
as a certain time lag in such parameters, not to speak of possible confounders.
Nevertheless, we would look into the available statistics at the end of the
project to check whether our expectations were confirmed or not.
In order to interpret
and qualify any positive or negative effect evaluation results, a process (or
implementation) evaluation should be undertaken, the aim of which was to
describe to what extent – or whether – the programme was implemented as
planned, whether it ran smoothly, or whether there were any barriers that might
explain sub-optimal outcomes.
The above-mentioned
monitoring of the implementation process (for adjusting the intervention) should
also work as a data collection for the process evaluation. The data and
experience from the monitoring should be supplemented by individual qualitative
interviews with GPs and other key persons and by focus groups with GPs as
The medical-audit
like 2-week registration form was sent to all GPs in the County of Frederiksborg
(N=246) and a random sample of GPs in 5 other counties (N=275) – the former
being the intervention group and the latter the control group. As an incentive
the GPs were offered a gift if they would fill in the forms (a gift token of two
compact discs, valid 34 EUROS).
However, the response
rate was rather low. In Frederiksborg County we had a 34% response rate (84/246)
and in the control group 22%. This problem is accentuated by the fact that only
about half of those participating in the training sessions in the intervention
group had beforehand made the medical audit registration.
getting GPs interested
Another problem that
our project had run into was a minimal interest from the GPs to engage in the
CME-activities offered in this project. Five groups asked us to come. The
attendance rate, however, was not very high. About half of the members of these
CME small-groups have participated in both meetings.
quantitative evaluation
Therefore, with the
prospect of having very few participants in the intervention group (half of whom
have not filled in the medical audit registration in November 2000) we faced a
serious problem of statistical power. At best, maybe, we must 25 GPs in the
intervention group that have participated in the intervention and
registered patient contacts both before and after the intervention year.
Thus, remembering that this is a demonstration project that is to document the
impact of a broad implementation of EIBI on the performance of GPs within a
region, in casu: Frederiksborg County, we were in trouble. Repeating the
medical audit in the beginning of 2002 made no sense.
An alternative could
have been a qualitative, in-depth interview study with those who actually have
participated in the CME-activities.
understanding of alcohol issues
As promised during
the meeting in Bled January 2000 we have contributed to the development of a
questionnaire by testing the one presented in Bled. An academic detailer in one
of the counties of Denmark has at the end of his visits to the GPs asked each of
them to fill in the questionnaire immediately. All 30 questionnaires have been
sent to Newcastle for analysis. But according to Nick Heather, the Danish data
did not have more sense or internal consistency than those from Spain (and UK?).
Reframing of the
understanding of alcohol problems should take place in the small-group based CME
activities where the GPs’ understanding and attitudes should be highlighted
and – if needed – challenged and changed.
The progress and
problems described above made us change the project. The quantitative outcome
evaluation has been abandoned, and the project is now turned into a smaller
method-developing project where we try to get GPs interested in participating in
workshops in their own practices and let them define themselves their needs for
training within the area of health behavior change counseling and motivational
As a result of the
customisation we will not choose alcohol or
hazardous and harmful drinking as the
only topic. The GPs tell us that if the project aims at tobacco, exercise, overweight as well they
would be more interested. We were convinced that alcohol problems do not “sell
tickets”. Since we have offered to teach and train more generic skills usable
within a much broader scope (but including alcohol issues). The project now has
the following outline.
The teaching and
training sessions are different from the ones already tried out (described
above) by being less top-down and less directive. While hitherto we have taught
skills that we as teachers regarded
important and useful for the participating GPs, we now let themselves find out and decide what are their weaknesses that they
want to improve/eradicate.
GPs are offered a
multi-stepped workshop that allows them to find out about their wants and wishes
and to get training tailored for this. Catch word-like one could say that the
clinician is the expert in what and how to learn, and the trainer’s role is to
facilitate and to provide useful ideas and skills. Training should start with
what the GPs actually do in their everyday work setting.
And when the GPs are
asked to decide what scenarios to focus on (i.e. clinical area – smoking,
alcohol, nutrition, diabetes etc. – and communication skills), we believe that
this approach will be far more interesting for them than the usual top down
model where experts come and tell them what the ought to learn.
The course of the
workshop starts with an introductory meeting performed by the project leader
Thorkil Thorsen (TT) in the general practice clinic or health center. The
participating GPs agree upon a topic for the consultations with simulated
patients that will come a few days later. These consultations are audio taped,
and the transcriptions are sent to the doctors for them to consider own
weaknesses and strengths and issues for the training session 3 days later. The
training sessions are run by TT and Sverre Barfod (SB). This procedure is
repeated twice focusing on subsequent scenarios with the same simulated patient.
After the third consultation and return of transcription there will be
debriefing seminar where experience are summarised.
In overview the steps
run like this:
Introductory meeting
(1 hour in own practice)
A full stepped
workshop has a 6-week course and includes 4 meetings with trainers and GPs (a
total of 7 hours) and 3 consultations (each lasting 15 minutes).
GPs are paid for
their participating in meetings and get a standard fee for each simulated
We had planned to run
parallel workshops but due to the workload especially for the secretary it is
the best waiting for a course to be through before starting the next with other
The introductory and
debriefing meetings are audio tape-recorded for evaluatory purposes allowing
comparison of GPs’ self-reported communication problems and appraisal of own
skills etc. before and after. At the same time participants also appraise the
workshop and the didactic methods used so that the concept can be improved
The consultation
transcripts are compared in order to reveal possible improvements during the
workshop period in using motivational interviewing health behaviour change
This evaluation will
be supplemented with yet another simulated consultation a 2-4 months after the
debriefing seminar. This consultation should then have the same standardized
simulated patient and presented problem similar but not identical with that used
at baseline. This can perhaps prevent confounding interpretation in the minds of
both the simulated patient and the doctor and hopefully allow for a direct
comparison of competence levels.
It is possible to
evaluate the transcriptions in a quantitative way using principles developed by
Rollnick, Miller, Botelho and others. For this purpose we are inspired of
the paper of Miller: Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC) (
The danish Alcohol
Group are discussing this now. An example of a scheme for analysis is attached.
evaluation is available in danish (2003):
Thorsen T, Barfod, S, Beich, A. Fra brydning til dans. Rapport fra et
forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt om
kommunikationstræning i almen praksis. 2003. Central Forskningsenhed
for Almen Praksis, København.
Publication is going on and then a summary in english will be available.
One could wonder
whether this reformulated and reorganised Danish project still fits into the WHO
phase IV club.
On the one hand the
workshops make up an intervention. And we shall evaluate the process and outcome
of each workshop-series through interviews and observation (and use this for
further development, refinement, and marketing of the workshops). We still aim
at getting tools and skills for EIBI widely implemented in the local area.
On the other hand, we
do not stick rigidly to the phase IV protocol. We will not be able to
demonstrate whether or how it was possible to get EIBI integrated as a routine
practice in GPs.
There will be a
quantitative evaluation on the GP's performance of the motivational skills
Perhaps the
costumization to the danish conditions has forced the project too far from the
phase IV protocol? But the process going did not work and made a reframing and
redirection of the project necessary.
However, the training
in motivational interviewing skills has a high priority in the danish health
authorities and has great interest in the CME organs of Family Medicine.
too, see it as the only realistic way to get danish doctors to talk more alcohol
problems with their patients
Sverre Barfod,
Annelise Zachariassen.
May 20th,
Alcohol Intervention
Continuous Medical Education
Driving Under Intoxication
Early Identification and Brief Intervention
Frequently Asked Questions
Focus Groups
General Practitioner
Motivational Interviewing
Thorkil Thorsen. Senior researcher. Project leader
SB Sverre Barfod, General Practitioner, Leader of investigators in Denmark.
Abbreviations: See end of document
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