Health Organization Collaborative Project on Identification and Management
of Alcohol-related Problems
Primary Health Care
Phase IV
of Country-wide Strategies for Implementing Early Identification and Brief Alcohol Intervention in
Primary Health Care.
Russian Federation
[Communications] [Strategic Alliance]
[Demonstration Project]
Final Country Chapter, January 2006
Collaborative Centre:
St. Petersburg Medical Academy of
Post-graduate Studies (SpbMAPS)
Chief Investigators:
Prof. Vladislav Medvedev; Ms
Tatiana Kryshtal
+ advice and consultation from Professor Nick Heather
(Technical Focal Point, WHO Phase IV Study)
Geographical Area in which Implementation
Strategy will be Applied:
North-west Russia (pop. 10
Starting Date:
Completion Date:
Project Strands and Milestones:
Strand 1 (Customisation of early
identification and brief intervention (EIBI) materials and services/
Development of Communications Strategy/ Building Strategic Alliance) has
commenced and is due to be completed on 30/9/2000. An application will then be
made to the Know-how Fund for Strand 2 of the study (Demonstration Project).
Proposed Funding Sources:
Know How Fund (Charities Aid Foundation - UK): Health Sector
- Small Partnership Scheme. Grants of £690 (visit to St. Petersburg by Prof.
Heather) and £22, 850 (Strand 1) have already been awarded. An application to
the Know How Fund for further funding (Strand 2) will be made in due course.
Local Support:
Support from administration of SpMAPS (Vice-Rector of
Training, professor Alexander Scherbo)/ Nurses’ Association of St. Petersburg/
St. Petersburg City Geriatric Centre (research accommodation).
Focus Groups (FGs) will be run with 5 kinds of
primary health care (PHC) health
workers: (i) general medical practitioners; (ii) PHC nurses; (iii) school
nurses; (iv) school physicians; (v) first aid student volunteers. There will be
separate focus groups on early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) materials/ services and on EIBI training.
Brief Intervention Package, including delivery systems:
FGs (see above) will address what changes to the Drink-less
early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) package are needed for Russian conditions. Customisation will be carried
out for each type of health workers listed above. Barriers and incentives to
implementation of EIBI will also be considered.
Early Identification (Screening):
FGs will also consider what changes to the AUDIT
questionnaire are needed for Russian primary health care conditions and for each of the types of
health care worker listed above.
Brief Intervention Process:
This will be explored in FGs.
Training of Primary Health Care
Separate FGs with the above health workers will address
issues related to the best form of training for each type of worker. Previous
work included an Russian adaptation of the Helping People Change package
(Health Education Authority, UK) but, given the need for more trainees, further
improvement to this adaptation will be sought.
Data Analysis:
FG data will be analysed by the NUDIST programme with the
assistance of the Phase IV Focus group Centre (Dr. Leo Pas and colleagues) and
Professor Heather and colleagues at the Phase IV Co-ordinating Centre in
Aspects of the Communications Strategy will be developed with
the assistance of the Phase IV Co-ordinating Centre in Newcastle
General Public:
To be developed in due course given necessary resources.
Health Professionals:
Prof. Pohkis has developed a Resource Centre for the
dissemination of early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) to health professionals. The success of the Resource
Centre will be evaluated as part of the Phase IV study. In addition,
recommendations for curriculum changes relevant to EIBI have been accepted by 30
departments of SpMAPS and these will be put into place in September, 1999.
10,000 post-graduate physicians per year will be given information on EIBI.
Other Stakeholders:
To be developed.
Media Advocacy:
Articles in journals read by health professionals and by the
general public will be prepared. Further advocacy among journalists will
Control of Communications Strategy:
This will be done by the Chief Investigators (see above).
Lead organization(s):
Building Strategic Alliances:
Nurses’ Association of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg City geriatric centre,
St. Petersburg City Secondary School Medical Network
Primary health Care organizations of St. Petersburg
Social Service system in St. Petersburg
A district in St. Petersburg (to be decided). Estimated
population = 500,000 with approximately 200 primary health care doctors.
Projected Start Date:
Projected Completion Date:
Design of Project:
Before-after study
Outcome Measures:
To be decided in conjunction with Phase IV Co-ordinating
Process Measures:
To be decided in conjunction with Phase IV Co-ordinating
Economic Analysis:
To be decided in conjunction with Phase IV Co-ordinating
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