Abstract submission instructions to Authors

INEBRIA is a network of people with common interests and aspirations for advancing the science of brief interventions to reduce substance use and related problems. At this stage in INEBRIA’s development, our aim is to make the network as inclusive as possible, and conferences are perhaps the best way for INEBRIA to support the quality of research by enabling evidence and knowledge exchange with experienced researchers and provide opportunities to make valuable contacts though networking. Thus, these submission rules are not meant to prevent people from attending our conferences. However, we strongly encourage conference attendees to submit work of sufficient quality to warrant international attention, and which, to the extent possible, meet the standards of prestigious peer-reviewed journals.

Abstracts are welcome on any aspects of screening and brief interventions (SBI, also known as Early Identification and Brief Intervention (EIBI)). We especially encourage abstracts focused on:

  • Looking beyond substance use: SBIRT and medical, mental health and functional outcomes.
  • Cost effectiveness and health care utilization: Does SBIRT make a difference?
  • Reaching people no matter who and where they are: Tailoring SBIRT to diverse populations and settings.
  • Using Dissemination and Implementation Science to understand how to implement Evidence-Based SBIRT into Practice in the Real World.
  • Taking its Rightful Place: SBIRT as an Essential Component of Health and Wellness Screening.
  • SBI for behavioural addictions.
  • Using the evidence for SBI/SBIRT to influence policy and practice.
  • Digitalization and digital tools, including artificial intelligence.
  • Intervention mobility and strategies for reaching migrant and displaced populations.
  • Strengthening Capacity and Expanding the Workforce: SBI training and mentoring initiatives.

Three types of abstracts will be considered:

Research findings (quantitative or qualitative results of formally designed research studies of screening and measurement issues, intervention outcomes, observational studies, implementation, or related work).

Programme evaluation outcomes (clinical or educational programmes)

Experiential or theory-based knowledge (meant to provide an opportunity for participants to share learning points in a less formal and more open-structured way). This format may be most appropriate for those wishing to share clinical or training ideas and approaches that are in-development, exploration of theory relevant to SBI, qualitative insights gained from implementation, delving into mechanisms of change, and methodological challenges and solutions. They will not be eligible for the best abstract selection. These abstracts should include:

  • an aim,
  • the question(s) to be addressed,
  • a summary of the anticipated presentation,
  • conclusions.

Note: Abstracts stating that results are pending without at least providing some preliminary findings will generally not be accepted. In unusual cases, the review committee may accept abstracts of studies that clearly promise very important results which will only be available at the time of the meeting but not at abstract submission. In such cases, the author should make a very convincing case that major late-breaking results are imminent, will be available, and presented.

When reviewing, special attention will be paid to the following criteria:

  • Focus (focused on the topic of one or more content areas related to SBI)
  • Originality and Innovation (is the information new to the field? how original is the material?)
  • Significance to the field of screening and brief intervention (SBI)
  • Methods (is the methodology robust and appropriate?)

Abstracts submitted individually will be considered for oral or poster presentation (you may choose to have your submission considered for oral or poster).

Oral presentations will be strictly limited to 15 minutes in length followed by an additional 5 minutes for questions.

Poster presentations: an author must be present and available to display and discuss the poster. Posters will be evaluated for best poster award during the poster session.

Symposia: 90-minute sessions based on a coordinated submission of related abstracts. A symposium presentation includes:

  • Session introduction
  • 3-4 oral presentations based on submitted abstracts (EACH ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED INDIVIDUALLY (in addition to and separate from the symposium proposal), INDICATING THAT IT IS PART OF A SYMPOSIUM AND PROVIDING THE SYMPOSIUM TITLE)
  • Discussion time

Each oral presentation in a symposium is 15 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions (20 minutes total). The introduction and discussion may be facilitated by one or two people, who may or may not be presenters of abstracts submitted, one of whom will likely be the Chairperson of the symposium.

A Chairperson may only lead one Symposium proposal in the conference programme. The symposium Chairperson submits a symposium proposal abstract that includes:

  • The title of the symposium
  • Introduction with a summary of the goals for the symposium and
  • Discussion.

Workshops (90 minutes) should be interactive and encourage active attendee participation. Proposals should describe the broad and specific learning objectives for the workshop and the anticipated content and learning methods/procedure of the session. Examples of possible workshop objectives include, but are not limited to:

  • Sessions for learning brief intervention skills
  • Discussing implementation of brief interventions
  • Discussions of research methodology issues
  • Demonstrations of educational material
  • Demonstrations of information technology tools supporting brief interventions
  • Working in specific populations or settings

The key consideration for workshop selection (aside from relevance to brief interventions) is that the topic or approach proposed is best suited for small-group interactive learning. In addition, workshops may be appropriate for brief presentation and discussion of preliminary findings from clinical, educational and research programs that are better discussed in this format than in a research symposium format.

Funding Declarations and Conflicts of Interest Statements (for all types of abstracts): Full information on all relevant funding sources must be provided, and a statement on possible conflicts of interest must be included for each author/presenter Where no such conflicts exist, authors should state this. Studies funded directly or indirectly by the alcohol industry will not be accepted.

Best abstract award

All abstracts from oral presentations that make the score cut-off may be eligible for the best abstract award, be decided by an award subcommittee of the Scientific Committee of the INEBRIA Conference.