4th Conference of INEBRIA, 19th and 20th November 2007, Brussels (Belgium)

The 4th Inebria Meeting “Putting theory into practice: Research, Training and Health Promotion Programmes in EIBI” took place in Brussels from 19 th to 20th November 2007 with the support of the Flemish Government and DOMUS MEDICA and the co-sponsorship of the World Health Organitzation and the Health Departament of the Government of Catalonia.

More information:

All the presentations are available by linking at the name of the author, only those with sensible data have not been placed in the website.    

 19th November 2007

09.00 – 09.30 Registration
09.30 – 09.45 Opening ceremony
W De Meester. Chairman of the Flemish Institute of Health Promotion
09.45 – 10.45 Keynote by Prof. Eileen Kaner (UK): Brief interventions in primary care – we know they work, but are they fit for the ‘real world’ in routine practice? A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review.
10.45 – 11.15 Coffeebreak
11.15 – 12.45 Workshop 1 : EIBI training and practice of implementation. Chair: K Seppa
Workshop 2 : Drinking patterns. Chair: D Rekve
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Workshop 3 (part 1) : EIBI in special groups Chair: E Kaner
Workshop 4 (part 1) : Reframing understanding through internet (part 1). Chair: A Gual
Workshop 5   (part 1) : EIBI in occupational health. Chair: B Garmyn
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Workshop 3 (part 2) : EIBI in special groups. Chair: N Heather
Workshop 4 (part 2) : Reframing understanding through internet. Chair:  A Gual
Workshop 5  (part 2) : EIBI in occupational health. Chair: B Garmyn

20th November 2007

09.00 – 09.30 Summary of day 1: Chair: P Anderson
09.30 – 11.00 EIBI in emergency care units. Chair: A Gual
09.30 Keynote 2: Per Nilsen (Sweden): A Systematic Review of Emergency Care – Brief Alcohol Interventions for Injury
10.00 Keynote 3: Daniel Hungerford (USA): Collaboration to Implement Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in U.S. Trauma Centers
10.30 Debate Implementation of EIBI in the emergency departments
11.00 – 11.15 Coffee
11.15 – 12.30 Research on EIBI. Chair: N Heather
11.15 Nicolas Bertholet (USA): Changes in 3 behaviour change constructs and subsequent drinking in primary care patients with unhealthy alcohol use.
11.45 Galus Bischof (Germany): Evaluation of a stepped care intervention for alcohol-related disorders: a randomized controlled trial
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch  (12.30 – 13.30 General Assembly of INEBRIA)
13.30 – 16.00 Developping national programmes on EIBI. Chair: L Pas
13.30 Leo Pas (B), Marko Kolsek (Sl), Ton Drenthen (Nl), Joan Colom (ES): Implementing early identification and brief intervention in different primary care settings : update from the PHEPA project.
14.00 Ericson Furtado  (Brazil): How Brief Interventions are becoming part of the Brazilian Public Health System.
14.30 Kaija Seppa (Finland): Lessons from the Finnish experience
15.00 Arnie Aldridge (USA): Economic evaluation of a US demonstration project of the implementation of Screening and Brief Intervention, Brief Treatment and Referral to Treatment in healthcare settings
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee
16.00 – 17.00
Closing debate. Chair: Dag Rekve, WHO
Peter Anderson (UK): Cost-effectiveness and policies to stimulate EIBI.
Closing ceremony.
Mr. Van Acker, Minister for Health and Social Welfare of the Flemish Community.

WORKSHOPS 19 – 11 – 2007

Workshop 1: EIBI training and enduring practice of implementation. Chair: K Seppa
11.15 Antoni Gual  (Spain): Differences in the hospital approaching of tobacco and alcohol consumption. Comparison after and before two trainings in brief intervention.
11.30 Maria Lucia Souza-Formigoni (Brazil): The “SUPERA” Project – the experience of a distance learning tool to disseminate EIBI in Brazil.
11.45 Sylvia Shellenberger  (USA): Methods for Increasing Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Family Medicine Residency Programs.
12.00 Clarissa Mendonça Corradi-Webster (Brazil): A Brazilian Experience of Training PHC Workers in the Identification of Readiness to Change Stages and Brief Counseling.
12.15 Debate
Workshop 2 : Drinking patterns. Chair: D Rekve
11.15 Henriettæ Stahlbrandt  (Sweden): A comparison of College student drinking and its consequences in the US and Sweden
11.30 Magnus Geirsson  (Sweden): A Swedish national survey. Alcohol related education and counselling skills influence the limit of risky drinking.
11.45 Beatriz Roson (Spain): Alcohol related disease is highly prevalent among patients attending an opportunistic hospitalary alcohol brief intervention program.
12.00 Paul Cassidy (UK): The prevalence of heavy drinking in chronic disease areas, within an English Primary Care Trust
12.15 Telmo Ronzani (Brazil): Evaluation of the patterns of alcohol consumption at the Primary  Health Care services at Juiz de Fora and Rio Pomba (MG)
Workshop 3 : EIBI in special groups (part 1). Chair: E Kaner
14.00  Rodrigo Otavio Moretti-Pires (Brazil): Implementation of Screening and Brief Intervention Strategies in Brazil: challenges from the interior of the Amazon
14.15 Elizabeth Proude (Australia): Screening and brief intervention for risky drinking by a practice nurse in a sexual health clinic
14.30 Per Blanck (Sweden): What a difference a coach makes? – a process evaluation of brief intervention in primary health care
14.45 Pierluigi Struzzo (Italy): Brief Intervention: an important resource for innovative health promotion policies
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Emily Williams (USA): The Impact of Physical Health and Comorbidity on Drinking after Hospitalization among Inpatients with Unhealthy Alcohol Use
15.45 Richard Saitz (USA): Which Medical In patients With Unhealthy Alcohol Use Benefit From Brief Intervention?
16.00 Ana Bellen Martinez (Spain): Usefulness of AUDIT-C as screening tool in an opportunistic brief intervention program for alcohol problems in hospitalized patients.
16.30 Debate: Do effects between various BI’s and among target groups differ?
Should BI be adapted to target groups ?
Workshop 4: EIBI Strategies via INTERNET: reframing understanding. Chair : A Gual
14.00  Stuart Linke (UK): An analysis of feedback from people who have completed a 6 week internet intervention for problem drinking.
14.15 John Cunningham (Canada): Internet-based intervention for problem drinkers: Three-month follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial ofwww.CheckYourDrinking.net
14.30 Siw Carlfjord  (Sweden): Computer based brief intervention regarding alcohol and physical activity in a Swedish Primary Care setting
14.45 Gallus Bischof  (Germany): Evaluation of a computerized expert system intervention for unhealthy alcohol consumption
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Lidia Segura (Spain): Utility of an Internet-Based assessment tool to measure alcohol consumption
15.45 Alicia Rodriguez Martos (Spain): Website screening and advice for hazardous drinkers
16.00 Jim McCambridge (UK): DOWN YOUR DRINK
16.15 Kypros Kypri (Australia): Universal electronic screening and brief intervention for university students: participation rates and baseline data
16.30 Debate: Selfcare applications or distant learning: possibilites and  limitations
Workshop 5 : EIBI in occupational health (part 1). Chair: B Garmyn
14.00  Leena  Heljälä (Finland): Agreed Practices in Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention in Finnish Occupational Health Services
14.15 Hanna Jurvansuu (Finland): Research on co-operation needs and opportunities to develop a model for early intervention in the workplace to prevent harmful consequences of excessive alcohol use
14.30 Philippe Michaud  (France): Efficacy of brief interventions on hazardous drinking at the workplace
14.45 Marika Holmqvist  (Sweden): Alcohol Intervention Activity, Skills, Knowledge, and Attitudes in Swedish Occupational Health Services and Primary Health Care
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Michaelle Bittarelo (Brazil): Process Evaluation of the Implementation of a Screening and Brief Intervention Program For Alcohol Abuse in the Military Police Health Service – Brazil
15.45 Andre Kruse (Belgium): A short AUDIT might be too short: first results of an implementation study of EIBI in the Belgian occupational health setting
16.00 Tiina Kaarne (Finland): AUDIT-C, AUDIT-3 and AUDIT-QF in Screening Risky Drinking Among Occupational Health Care Patients
16.15  Pannel discussion: EIBI in occupational health :
For more information on the agreements achieved during Annual General Meeting, please take a look on the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (pdf)